Protecting your investment

Risk & Compliance Services

If your gig workforce is growing, so is your risk. Gentry can help.

If you employ temporary workers in Illinois, you have new responsibilities…and risks!

Illinois’s Responsible Job Creation Act, which goes into effect June 1, 2018, amends the Day and Temporary Labor Services Act with the goal of establishing additional temporary worker protections to the nearly 800,000 temporary workers in Illinois.  Among the new obligations for day and temporary labor services agencies, the Act also imposes many new obligations and risks for third party clients.

New obligations for your company include restrictions on rates that you must pay temporary workers, daily temp worker documentation and other important changes.

Get Your Free Assessment

Understand your exposure. Close the gap.


If you are a procurement leader that assigns temporary workers to warehouse, general industry, construction or recycling jobs in Illinois you may be impacted by this new legislation.  That probably has you wondering about your exposure.  The Gentry Partnership can help.

We’ve developed an assessment tool that makes it fast and easy to understand exactly how the new legislation will affect your company.  If you are interested, we would like to talk to you.  Call or contact us through the site and we’ll enroll you for your free assessment.

Wisconsin Employers Now Subject to Tort Lawsuits for Temporary Workers' Workplace Injuries

On January 9, 2018, District III of the Wisconsin Court of Appeals held that temporary workers who are injured while working for their host employers have the right to elect either to claim workers' compensation benefits or to sue their host employers in tort.

New Temp Labor Law for Illinois | The Gentry Partnership

Big changes are coming to the way that manufacturers in Illinois interact with temporaries and temporary labor firms. On June 1 of this year, the amended Illinois Day and Temporary Labor Act goes into effect, legally requiring manufacturers for the first time to take specific actions related to light industrial temps and their agencies.

Curious how this new legislation will impact your business?

Get a free assessment of your new requirements and risks related to Amendment HB0690.